Expansion, conquest, colonisation, subjugation and slavery are the sad, ugly but natural dynamics of gangs, clans, tribes, peoples and nations. They are the building blocks of empires, from the commercial to the political variant.
Expansion is the natural result of growth, like a child growing out of its clothes, and from it comes the need to explore and occupy/exploit new lands and resources. It has happened throughout history, and has invariably brought people into conflict with one another – as those who expanded were resisted by the ones they intruded upon. It’s a process that has repeated itself over and over, time and again, and it forms the basis for many of the wars since time immemorial.

Imperialism is almost exclusively defined as Western colonialism, but in reality this was merely one in a long, sad list of war and conquest dating back to the beginnings of recorded time
In this context, the world is a primeval battlefield for resources, whether people expand into others’ lands* from a position of strength (expansion) or weakness (war, conquest, displacement, famine or overpopulation).
It’s not just aggression that leads to conquest and conflict
Just as expansion can be the product of growth, so it can be induced by power vacuums, for expansion by a strong, growing entity into the territory of another strong, powerful one is simply open conflict, and few have dared that for the risk of loss is too great. Expansion of the powerful is therefore best facilitated by the vulnerability of the weak, for it creates opportunity.

Modern Imperialism is defined as American interference around the globe, but the USA is not the only country encroaching upon others – see China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, etc.
Since any group of people can theoretically be strong or weak in the long course of history, there is nothing predestined about who the aggressor and who the victim is. In fact, today’s victim may well have been yesterday’s aggressor, and vice versa.
If human relations on a personal level represent an ongoing battle of wills, then the larger scaled conflict between expanding powers and weaker power vacuums is another unpleasant but inevitable constant of life.

There have been multiple empires built upon the occupation of other nations’ lands and societies, among them those of the Persians, Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Romans, Assyrians and the Ottoman Turks, who held most of the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe in their grip up to just a century ago
This dynamic explains everything from the Mongol conquests that laid waste to China, Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Central/Eastern Europe; to the Muslim expansion into Africa, Europe and Asia; centuries of piracy and slave trade; centuries of inter-European wars; the warring tribes of the Americas before, during and after their conquest by Europeans; the warring nations of Asia; the warring clans and tribes of Africa before, during and after their conquest by Arab and European invaders; and every other conflict between year 0 and now.
Seen this way, the colonisation of Africa was the result of first Muslim/Arab and later European expansive growth into a continent whose division and weakness made it vulnerable. Europe was divided too, but the difference in power between Africa-Arabia and Africa-Europe created the power vacuum that made conquest possible.
It is sad that both Arabs and Europeans followed this predictable path of disruption and enslavement, but it is both ludicrous and racist to think that, had they had the chance to plunder and conquer Europe or the Middle East, the Africans would have been too kind to do so. Dream on! The same applies to the Amerindians of the Americas, and the Asians, and proof of this is the fact that Africans fought, conquered, ethnically cleansed and enslaved each other before the foreign invasions of their land, as well as after – for they too traded in slaves, and sold them to European and Arab alike.

The Ottoman Empire practised slavery on a huge scale and stole European baby boys from their parents to form brainwashed military units such as the Janissaries, often employed to kill their own people
Indeed, the people we call ‘black’ or ‘African’, i.e. the Bantu or to a lesser extent Amharic/Nilo-Hamitic peoples, did exactly to the Pygmies and Bushmen what the Arabs and Europeans would later do to them – i.e. encroach upon their land, take their resources and enslave their people. The only difference is that the abuse of the Bushmen of SW Africa and the Pygmies of Central Africa continues to this day, where the latter continue to be captured, kept as slaves and even systematically extinguished – and of course, the media, politicians and human rights organisations don’t even talk about it, let alone denounce it or act against it. After all, to criticise black people in any way, shape or form is racist in today’s world, and therefore a beautifully hypocritical taboo that is of course actually incredibly patronising and racist if you think about it. And yet, it is one of the holy grails of the new ‘liberal’ establishment.
“Be too weak/passive and you invite aggression”

Japanese Imperialism led to the attempted creation of its own colonial empire in Asia during the 1930 and 1940s
Power vacuums invite conquest
In its pure dynamic, the accelerating influx of the Third World’s population overflow is no different to the processes described above, for the apparent weakness of Europe to defend its borders and look after its own interests has led to a wave of immigration from the Third World that began 60+ years ago and continues to grow into a tidal wave of demographic conquest.
As Muammar Gaddafi, the late leader of Libya, said in 2006 about his decision to back away from state-sponsored terrorism, “…We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe. Without swords, without guns, without military conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Allah mobilises the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union. That’s another 50 million Muslims [80 million now]. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the EU. Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the EU. 50 per cent of its citizens are Muslims. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims…”

Even the Amerindians don’t escape scrutiny, as civilisations such as that of the Aztecs wreaked cruel havoc upon their neighbours even before the arrival of Europeans spelled disaster
Turkey’s leader, Recep Erdogan, similarly urged the many Turks in Europe to have five children, as they are ‘the future of Europe’. “The place in which you are living and working is now your homeland and new motherland. Stake a claim to it..”

Africans, likewise – often portrayed as innocent victims – fought and enslaved their neighbours, sometimes subjecting them to a level of cruelty that has continued into the present
You see, weakness by one is seen as a power vacuum (lack of will or strength) by another, and opens the door to invasion, strife and eventually war – unless Europe, America and Australasia simply hand over the keys and willingly allow themselves to become conquered, which is what it is looking like now. With that, all those lofty, left-wing, postliberal ideals will come to an end, as a new regime of male-dominated society and Islam will sweep through the continent and replace the ‘white patriarchy’ hated by so many left-wingers and feminists in the west, because it is supposedly singlehandedly responsible for all the problems in the world – as well as the fact that western women tend to earn 15% less than men. If only all other women in the world had such problems…
Don’t worry, under the new regime you may not be allowed to work at all, other than housework, that is, and bearing large numbers of children or lying under an older husband whenever he feels like it (and regardless of whether you do). Gays, transvestites, transgender children, non-binary creatures (if you’re non-binary, who’s to say you’re actually human? Why put a label on everything?) and of course those lesbians who so hate white, western men and their evil patriarchy, will all be relieved of their duties and might just find life a little less pleasant than in said hellhole of western patriarchal society.
Instead of protecting us from this prospect, the left/liberal media, politicians and corporations ‘protect society and democracy’ from the ‘threat of the right’ – which is how they label anyone who dares to criticise or even question this unstoppable onslaught of third world immigration.

The media and modern school curriculums have made slavery exclusively synonymous with the transatlantic slave trade of Africans by Europeans, but in reality many of these poor people were sold and traded by Africans and Arabs as well. Arab slavery in Africa continued almost a century after it was abolished by Europeans, and African slavery still occurs today
Demographics breakdown, Europe:
- Contrary to what current period dramas and popular TV series set in Europe’s past tell us, there were no Africans (in any significant numbers) living in Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, 18th century or 19th century Europe, just as surely as the continent wasn’t inhabited by flying dragons, gremlins or vampires
- In 1950 the non-European component of the population of Europe was well under 1% of the total
- By 2000 immigration from the third world had made it around 15% of Western Europe’s population
- By 2020 it is nearer 25%
- By 2050 if will be around 50% or over
- By 2100 it will be more than 80% and the vast majority will be Muslim if the current trend continues
- At different stages between now and the next 100 years, Europe’s people, culture, identity, political/economic system and those precious humanistic values will all disappear
- In other words, Europe is dying and we’re being made to pay for it and say thank you. As our population ages and dies off, we are being pushed off the conveyor belt and replaced with the teeming millions of population growth overload from the third world, particularly Africa and the Middle East
- Just to put it into perspective – nowhere else in the world are the local/indigenous people being replaced in this way today, so we have become the Mohicans of our times. The difference is that the Mohicans were conquered and we are giving ourselves away
- Ethnic and religious cleansing, above all in Sunni and Shia Muslim countries, has ‘cleaned’ many countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc, etc of the diversity of religions and ethnic groups they once had, including the recent slaughter and enslavement of Yazidis, Christians and other minority groups in Iraq and Syria by Sunni Muslim Isis and other such militias
- Instead of discussing this, the left-wing/liberal media, intelligentsia (read: 25-year old pop stars and reality TV celebrities) and politicians focus upon white racism and whether or not a ten-year old child should be addressed as he or she in class. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are mad, because we are.

Slavery is also not something unique to Africans. There is a sad sense of equality in the fact that virtually every society on the planet has practised it, from the ancient Egyptians and Persians to the Indians, Chinese, Amerindians, Africans, Europeans, Turks and Arabs. The fact that slavery has been hijacked by the BLM and Woke movements and their predecessors is an astounding sign of disrespect and offence to all the humans who have endured this most abhorrent form of humiliation and suffering.
*Definition of ‘others’ lands’: land inhabited by a certain culture or group; which has formed their ancestral homeland since early settlement and/or conquest and/or assimilation.