I am sick and tired of hearing how Muslims are not to blame each and every time a Muslim murders people in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia or North America. I know perfectly well that NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS (duhhh), but it’s hard to deny that MOST TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIM. You simply have to look at the facts/stats. What’s more, they don’t only have a beef with Christians and Jews, but also are in conflict with Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists and Taoists, not to mention Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Alevi Muslims, etc.

Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorist attacks are carried out by Muslim fanatics
When I say ‘they’ I naturally don’t mean all Muslims. I would never claim something as obviously stupid as that. By the same token, I also don’t believe the authorities, media and Muslim organisations when they say that the many murderous attacks are isolated incidents involving nutcases – or even poor young lads who have been led astray. This attempt to quarantine the problem and brush over its broader immigration/societal implications starts as an apology/excuse/shedding of responsibility, and given a chance becomes yet another attack on the demonic western world, in which the murderers are actually poor young men whose disaffected state is the product of our evil indifference. Yes, us devils who welcomed, fed, clothed, housed, medicated and ‘educated’ them – the latter obviously not well enough for them to stop hating the hand that feeds them. Not only do they want to bite it, they wish to chop it off altogether, and replace it with the glorious regimes they fled from in the first place. A simpler solution would be to return home to the very same ‘paradise’ they seek to create in our midst.

The religion can rally huge numbers of people

Even a fraction of fanatics amounts to a large army of terrorists
The concentric rings of support
The immediate process of deflection described above whenever a Muslim-related terror attack occurs, purposely seeks to create the impression that these are lone operators who have nothing whatsoever in common with the tens of millions of good Muslim citizens living in our midst, but the world is seldom as ‘black-and-white’ as they paint it.
For me, the Muslim terrorists acting on a wave of fundamentalist fervour are not isolated, abstract cases; nor are all Muslims terrorists. The truth, as usual, lays somewhere in-between, for the world is seldom black-and-white simplistic, but layered in shades of grey. Or in this case concentric rings.

European mosques and prisons are important points of incitement
I believe if there are a small number of nutcases willing to sacrifice their lives so that they can commit carnage on the streets of Europe and other parts of the world, then there are others around them who fulfil other roles. If you regard the actual murderers as the inner circle, or bull’s eye, then there is an active support ring of facilitators, organisers and instigators who provide the hate rhetoric, logistical, moral and even direct financial support for the acts of terror.
Often imams or members of shady Muslim ‘community’ organisations, they can be seen to be the next ring encircling the first. These may be the conspirators, but it doesn’t stop there, as the next ring would consist of people who – even living within western or other countries – have a grievance with them that relates to the ‘treatment of Muslims’ there or elsewhere. They may actually be incapable of or unwilling to commit atrocities themselves, but their religious and cultural fervour/adherence makes them support such actions morally or actively, for instance through donations to certain organisations.

Old-fashioned Islam has entered the urban landscape across Europe, creating a largely dual society oscillating between post-modern liberalism and regressive ultra-conservative beliefs
As the circles fan out they tend to get bigger, but at the end they become thinner again, so a very large band of people would be the more or less silent masses who give tacit support and/or are confused – experiencing the conflicting feelings that emanate from religious/cultural loyalty and indignation over the ‘treatment of Muslims’ as well as varying degrees of loyalty to their host country and varying degrees of conscience/pacificism/liberalism. As modern movies teach us, people are complex, multi-layered personages often pulled in different directions.

For some, the ultimate aim is the enforcement of Sharia laws and values across Europe. Is this the subliminal goal behind most terrorist acts
If the above is true, the often-cited mass of peaceful Muslims loyal to their host countries and their humanist/democratic/liberal ideals may therefore not be quite as massive as all that. Those who unequivocally reject Muslim (and all) acts of violence and terror, and who are clearly loyal to their host countries are significant in number, that much I do believe, but there are different shades of grey between the murderous nutcase, the one who supports him and his ideals from within the shadows of everyday anonymity, and those who want to have nothing to do with it. All of these people will at some point be sharing the pavement or train with you, be sitting next to you at work or living across the street, which provides food for thought about one’s random security in the brave new world that has been created by our post-liberal friends.

The support structure around violent acts is more complex than the media would have us believe

The battle between West and East, modern liberalism and regressive ultra-conservatism has now come to Europe